
Arguing with Cathy Brennan 101

Prominent TERF Hatemonger Cathy Brennan being herself.

Trans Woman; Your statements are ignorant hateful bigotry with no basis in fact.

Brennen; You're a man and a bigot and a racist and I speak for all cis women and lesbians. Also, cis doesn't exist.

Trans Woman; No, you speak fot yourself and your followers only. Cis DOES exist. And exactly how am I racist for pointing out that you're a liar and a bigot?

Cathy Brennan; Stop trying to erase me and replace me with a pink monkey!

Trans Woman: Pink monkey? The hell? When did I ever mention monkeys?

Cathy Brennan; See! You cussed! You're clearly a violernt rapist and want to harm me! I feel threatened!

Trans woman: Wait what? Where did that even come from? I haven't threatened you in ANY way!

Cathy Brennan: Well I'm blocking you now. I've proven you're a violent rapist planning to replace all women with unnaturally coloured primates and EVERYONE can see I'm right. I must now block you for my own safety because you clearly want to rape me. Repeatedly. For weeks on end. Later Mister Pretendbian.

Trans Woman; ............................................................ um............................... what just happened here?

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