
Church And State Caught Fucking Behind Taco Bell

While websurfing I came across many ignorant articles by Religious haters protesting any attempt to repeal DOMA in the United States. (DOMA for those who don't know is the Defense Of Marriage Act, a law rife with bigotry that basically makes it perpetually okay to refuse same-sex marriage rights).

On THIS article one of the comments insisting that anti-gay marriage movements are NOT bigoted thinking but in fact "based in reality" annoyed me enough to rant. So I did.

I don't know yet if that site will publish my comment, since it (IMHO) so decisively dissects their garbage thinking, so just in case, I'm posting it here on the Hedon Blog as an official statement from the Shaman of Hedon on why religious belief has no goddamn business dictating what the law is. NONE. Not even mine. I don't support Same-Sex Marriage because Hedon teaches that true equality includes GLBT folks, I support it because every human being has the RIGHT to have the exact same human rights as everyone else. So here's the comment I posted.


Actually, no, there is nothing "realistic" about religious opposition to GLBT equality. It very much IS bigotry, no matter what Catholics and Christians keep telling themselves to believe their ignorance and hate is "spreading God's will" and therefore a just loving act. But when it comes right down to it, those who support DOMA and actively devote time and energy to fighting to prevent GLBT equality, (Often using deplorable scare tactics and never any actual facts), cannot EVER provide ONE SINGLE REASON that is not based in their own personal religious beliefs for denying GLBT equality. NOT ONE. EVER. Every reason for denying it is solely based in religious belief, which by the principle of the intended separation of Church and State should have absolutely no influence on the law. But since Politicians often not only give in TO religious bullying, but often allow their own religious views to dictate their policy, it's clear the separation of Church and State is just a wistful myth; it just doesn't exist, and that's why America has gone to shit.

Churches are spending HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars to fight Gay Marriage. Money that could be buying blankets for homeless shelters, or funding after school programs for inner city youth, or helping their own goddamn fellow parishes NOT have to close down for lack of funds.

Tell me how those priorities aren't seriously misguided?

The Bible says you can sell your daughter into slavery and stone your neighbor to death if he works on the Sabbath. I don't see Christians fanatically preaching THOSE quotes left right and center, do you? No, because they know no one would condone that garbage. But most people fear what they don't understand, so Christian blowhards will happily misquote the Bible horribly to fear-monger about gay folks to scare people into supporting them.

ANY Religious objection to legalizing Gay Marriage is bigotry and bullying. That is a inarguable FACT.

The California businessman who spent the most money helping fight Prop 8 is divorcing his wife after HE cheated on her and is desperately throwing money at a legal defense aimed at making sure she's left all but destitute. Is that the "sanctity of marriage" you nutcases are fighting so hard to protect?

Same Sex Marriage has been legal in Canada for four years. Guess what? Our society has yet to collapse! In fact, the economy up here has been saved from reaching the underground shithole levels that America's has because of the income the government generates from Gay Marriage; tourism, license fees, new business opportunities for gay friendly businesses that pay taxes. Cases of sexual assault on children have NOT gone up because we allowed gays to marry. (Not at all surprising since more pedophiles are heterosexual practicing Catholics than are ever gay men). Gay marriage has done Canada nothing but good. Sulfur and ash has not fallen from the sky. People are not turning into salt. My wife has helped me grow as a human being and helped my health and self-esteem improve greatly.

There is no logic, sanity, or compassion in the Religious Right's attacks on equality. And yes, equality, not special rights. To be able to marry the one you love is a HUMAN right, not a special right.

I dare any Christian/Catholic/Muslim/Jew/Other to give one ONE SINGLE VALID REASON BASED SOLELY IN FACT THAT HAS ABSOLUTELY NO BASIS IN ANY RELIGIOUS BELIEF WHATSOEVER why GLBT folks should be denied their human rights.

In TWELVE years of my asking bible thumpers that question, not a single one has every succeeded in answering it without deferring to their faith. NOT ONE. And I've asked thousands.

If you condemn another human being for not sharing your beliefs,or for being different than you, you're a bigot, period. You can't argue your way out of it with fancy language. No matter what nice little platitudes you tell yourself to convince yourself it's okay to hate, it's still hate.

God loves. Man kills.


As a personal aside, I've said what I'm about to say next in comments sections all over the web for years, but I feel given the rest of this blog I ought to restate it here.


1) Leviticus 18:22 is translated: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

This is the quote singularly most often used as a weapon of hate against Homosexuality. The problem is that NO ONE on this earth knows the full context or dialogue of the original Aramaic, a very big issue given that the Bible has been translated and re-translated so many times that there is absolutely NO possible way that it speaks exactly the same message as the original, due to the fallibility of human beings doing the translating and the inescapable risk of broken-telephone syndrome. The other problem is that it takes very little effort to research how the english language has evolved and changed since the last major translation that produced this quote. in THAT day and age? the word "lie" had no connection to the word "lay". Lay was the ONLY word in the King's English that meant laying down or laying in bed. To Lie meant ONLY to be dishonest. In light of this inarguable fact of grammar and language of the time, the quote therefore has absolutely nothing to do with sexuality at all. Especially given that the Bible teaches that women are property, not people. So this quote is not telling you "If you're a man, don't fuck other men", it's the Bible equivalent of "Bros before Ho's dude."

2) Sodom and Gommorah were not destroyed because of homosexual behavior. Certainly not in a book that condones Incest, Bigamy, and slaughtering a race of people who don't follow God to steal their land because God says it's a Holy Land just for his children, ignoring the idea that ALL men were God's children. No, S & G were destroyed because they were bad hosts, in the desert, a crime of unforgivable apathy when being an inattentive host can cause a traveler's death in the desert.

3) There is absolutely NOTHING written in ANY version of the Bible ANYWHERE that mentions, directly or indirectly, pro or con, Lesbian love or transsexuality. The closest it ever comes to either is forbidding MEN to wear a woman's clothing, but even that would only apply to Crossdressers. Since a Transsexual woman is a woman in mind and soul, she is NOT a man wearing women's garments, she's a woman, period. And this doesn't cover Female-To-Male transsexuals at ALL.

So let's review.
- The Quote most often used to condemn Homosexuality has nothing to do with sex or sexuality, it's about dishonesty.
- The chapters on Sodom and Gomorrah are about the sin of leaving travelers helpless to the elements in the desert, not punishment for sex.
- The Bible CONDONES Incest, (Cain and his wife, Noah and his immediate family repopulating earth all on their own, King Solomon and his daughters), Bigamy, (Joseph of the Coat Of Many Colors is just ONE example), and Racial Genocide, (God sending the Jews to wipe out Palestine's people and steal it as their own because the Palestinians did not worship him), but says NOTHING about Homosexuality being wrong that isn't read falsely into it through misquoting and misinterpreting the translation's grammar context.
- And the Bible says absolutely NOT ONE WORD AT ALL about Lesbianism, Bisexuality, or Transsexuality, and can at BEST vaguely be claimed to be disdainful of Crossdressing.

The entire Bible Basis for Anti-Gay rhetoric is based on either misread translations or outright non-existent messages, while blithely ignoring blatant examples of the Bible condoning deplorable behavior.

And the only argument any Bible Thumping loudmouth windbag has EVER offered in defense of these facts is "You have no right to question the Word of God!". Except the Bible was written by MEN, not God. Men who claimed they spoke on God's behalf, men who were fallible, men who were influenced by superstition, fear, and a very limited understanding of how the world worked.


  1. There's also the fact that the New Covanent that Jeshua (Jesus) made refined the rules and laws YHVH put forward. The materials of the Old Testament were not abolished and still have their own purpose but the law that Christians are expected to follow is no longer the old law but the Law of Agape and Jeshua's philosophies of love charity and peace.

    And not only that but the Romans quote used does not explicitly condemn anything but idolatry and then uses enforced homosexuality (literally an entire population no longer able to breed) among other things that were concentrated on more (unnamed unnatural acts, that homosexuality was separated from) as the response to idolatry.

    The worst someone could get out that is homosexuality is the glow of the fire. Not dangerous in and of itself, but a sign that there's trouble on the horizon.

    And the sin list in Corinthians is some of the most poorly translated Koine Greek I have ever seen. They misinterpreted a word made up by Paul, which has more connection to describing pedastry (men having sex with boys in mentor relationships) then it does homosexuality. But of course, the idiots calling it homosexuality because its literal meaning was a combination of man and bed.

    Because obviously, transliteration is always the best way to translate something. *eyeroll*

    So yeah, Christianity has a shit basis to discriminate, even within their own religion.

  2. But... disagreement, even passionate disagreement is not hate. Don't get suckered into thinking that it is. There is room for legitimate debate and you're establishing excellent ground rules for just such a debate. Stick to your guns because you're right. Just don't get confused about why our opponents in the debate are wrong.

  3. Okay, this is a subject that, if you visit my blog, I tend to spend a lot of time on. Perhaps it is from spending three years in a Roman Catholic seminary studying for the priesthood. The Catholic Church threw me out ten years ago because of transition. I shook their dust from my sandals. At first I decided that the Mystical Body of Christ stayed with me, thus making me the papessa - I even took, tongue in cheek, the name Pope Joan II. On a more serious note, I do still sometimes sign myself as serva servarum deiae, since that's how I see myself. Theologically, I had been a cafeteria catholic for a long time, having rejected the evil immoral teachings of Catholic "moral" theology as it relates to things like masturbation, homosexuality, women and trans people. But then I unraveled the faith side, discarding all the parts that required that I "suspend my disbelief" to believe. And then I discovered that Thomas Jefferson had apparently done the same thing with te Gospels, and then I discovered Unitarian/Universalism.

    With that as prologue, let me constructively criticize your essay:

    Question Zero:

    I dare any Christian/Catholic/Muslim/Jew/Other to give one ONE SINGLE VALID REASON BASED SOLELY IN FACT THAT HAS ABSOLUTELY NO BASIS IN ANY RELIGIOUS BELIEF WHATSOEVER why GLBT folks should be denied their human rights.

    Okay, I am being a wiseacre with this one. But let me try to answer this, with a limited societal application. For a small ethnic patriarchalist group struggling to live a semi-nomadic life in a desert area, every uterus becomes important, and to the extent possible, producing offspring becomes a priority. It might be possible that one might develop a cultural preference for heterosexual expression as a means of preserving the people. To bring in a religious reference only as an example - Namoi and Ruth may well have had a lesbian relationship - but culturally, Naomi sets Ruth up to marry Boaz, for the purpose of producing offspring.

    Not that any of that reasoning should apply today . . .


    Leviticus 18:22

    My take on this is that at best it is a prohibition that is related to the misogynistic rape of strangers that seemed to prevail in some middle eastern cultures - beat an enemy in battle, and then anally rape him to show that he is "less than a woman." In places like Sodom - show strangers that the locals are the real he-men and that the visitors are "less than women" by using them the way they would use women.

    The Hebrews were probably prohibiting this sort of inhospitable behavior.

    Interpreted slightly differently, it may relate to the religious practices of the agrarian goddess religions, which involved religious practices that included sexual activity with male priests, and female and trans priestesses. Hebrews were cautioned to not participate in goddess sex-as-sacrament type religious rites.

    Forthat matter, it'spretty clear that David and Jonathan get married and have sex - it's all over 1 Samuel, and culminates in 2 Samuel, where the bisexual David (married first to King Saul's son Jonathan, and then becoming Saul's son-in-law "a second time" with Saul's daughter Michal) laments the death of Jonathan with, "the love of Jonathan was better than the love of a woman."

    Moving on to

  4. PART II


    Sodom and Gomorrah

    Yep, you get that one just right.


    Lesbians and Trans people in the Bible

    Book of Ruth - sure, it may have been platonic, but the relationship between Ruth and Naomi could also have been lesbian. The two longers love stories in the Bible are the David and Honathan, and Ruth and NAomi stories.

    Trans people?

    Deuteronomy 22:5 isn't about trans people, it's about the sort of thing one might find in a story by Boccaccio - men dressing in women's clothing to gain access to a harem. (Which seems suspiciously like what the religious right idiots seem to do when it rails about the New York GENDA bill by calling it a "bathroom bill" that would allow "crossdressing male sexual predators free access to women's bathrooms.")

    There are three passages that deal directly with trans people - they are found in Isaiah 56, Matthew 19:12 and Acts 8. And they are all related to each other! I grant that the term eunuch is used - but Jesus himself makes it clear that there are different kinds of eunuchs, and the definition appears to be inclusive.

    The early Church Fathers misapplied MAtthew 19:12 as calling for priestly celibacy, as a symbolic rather than actual eunuch "fort eh sake of the kingdom of heaven" where anyone who can relate back to Isaiah 56 knows that this was a reference to those eunuchs who hold to God's laws, for whom there is a place in God's house and a name better than children. (This, perhaps the first reference to what would eventually develop into a theology of a heavenly afterlife, rather than to the promise of eternal life through one's progeny as was promised to Abraham).

    I can and will go toe-to-toe on sacred scripture with any pharisaiacal right wing Judaeo/Christian religionist. They are the ones who are blind to their whited-sepulchre hearts, and who for their treatment of LGBT people and their misogyny will find themselves numbered among the goats on the day of judgment (Mt. 25 - assuming one believes in the scenario depicted as being accurate).


Thanks for commenting, try to NOT be crude or mean-spirited. You can disagree with me without calling me a fat bitch etc.